Tuesday, January 25, 2005

My (incomplete) list of who should've been nominated

Best actress in a leading role: Maia Morgenstern, The Passion of the Christ

Best actor in a supporting role: Hristo Shopov, The Passion of the Christ

Bravest filmmaking: Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ

Humblest offering of oneself in portraying the Savior: James Caviezel, The Passion of the Christ


Blogger Joshua said...

Maia Morgenstern did an amazing job.
I wonder who would win if they put the entire thing up for a popular vote?

10:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

I predict that for this & other reasons the Academy Awards won't have quite the TV ratings this year as in the past, as people see (as they already have been seeing) that the Academy is in their own little world.

Having said that, there's a part of me that longs for "Passion" to have received more recognition than these nominations, but there's a part of me that takes it all in stride, because it's in such a different class than the usual entertainment film, that in a way competing it in the same categories would risk sacrilege. I understand Mel simply didn't "run" for best picture, etc., as the custom is, and I think that was the right choice - to do so would have been tacky.

BTW, for awhile yesterday I was under the impression that "Passion" hadn't been nominated for anything at all, but yes, there are nominations for cinematography, makeup, and original score.

6:00 AM  

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